C-Suite Interview with Art Cooksey, Founder & CEO of Let’s Talk Interactive

This article was orginally posted on CityBiz by Edwin Warfield on May 04, 2022. Click here to read the original article.

Our CEO Arthur Cooksey reconnected with Edwin Warfield at citybiz to talk about our biggest takeaways from the American Telemedicine Association's ATA2022 conference and how we're contributing to innovation in telehealth.

CityBiz C-Suite interview

Interview questions:

Q1: Today I would like to introduce Art Cooksey, the CEO and Founder of Let’s Talk Interactive, a telehealth solutions company. Could you please give a brief explanation of what LTI does?

Q2: You recently participated in the American Telemedicine Association Conference. Based on your experience at ATA – what was your biggest takeaway?

Q3: I’m sure you saw a lot of companies and new innovations. What makes LTI unique?

Q4: Keeping on the topic of innovation, what is LTI doing to contribute to innovation in telehealth?

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