kathy ireland Worldwide Investment Opportunity

Learn more about investment opportunities with Let's Talk Interactive

You recently received communication from Kathy Ireland about investment opportunities with Let's Talk Interactive.

Let’s Talk Interactive is a nationally recognized and rapidly growing global software company that develops innovative telehealth solutions, primarily two distinct, proprietary market-ready SaaS products.

We'd like to connect with you and share more details about our company, the capital investment we're seeking, and the infrastructure growth it will support.

Feature Highlights:

  • Cloud-native software solution
  • Patient and provider self-scheduling capabilities
  • Calendar integration
  • HIPAA-compliant video and chat functionality
  • Customizable document handling
  • Credit card payments - including pre- and co-payments
  • Branded dashboard with customizable features and settings
  • Ability to host up to 300 participants per session
  • Adjustable to low-bandwidth environments
  • Accommodates one-day implementation
  • Customizable reporting
  • Compatible with any operating system or browser

Let's Talk Interactive investment opportunities

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